The LEGO Minifigure Adventure 4


I found this build for an older classic car and decided to mix it with something modern. I got the Stormtroopers involved. Simple indoor lighting was used but it does looks like it was too bright for the whites.


This came from the thought that an artistic impression of a portrait could be a risky thing. I wonder how many subjects have just been polite when the finished art is shown to them. Taken outdoors is rather bright sun. His black eye is not as clear as I intended. Also, the drawing on the easel is my own effort.


This was a very early one. The cockroach was dead and since it was quite a good size I thought of the LEGO minifigures and a ‘monster’ attack scene, like the old B movies. Taken outside in the dirt. The breeze kept moving the cockroach and the policeman running was also difficult to pose.


This was taken on the birdbath. The weed was easily placed but trying to pose both shark and Jim was a nightmare. There is wire attached to two stones and placed at the bottom of the birdbath. The other end of the wire was then stuck to the bottom of the shark and surf board with blu-tak. I then had to catch the light just right to hide the wire.


Although I don’t have much hair these days I think we have all been in this sort of situation. I also wanted to put to use the colourful house from the LEGO Friends series. I love how large the hairbrush is and in hindsight should have put it in her hand. This would have been taken indoors with some blue card in the background.