A Bit of This and That and a Shoe.

Apparently individual shoes are found washed up on beaches because their shape (left and right) determines which way they will float. That’s almost an interesting fact.

Here’s one that was visiting Goode Beach:


Next we have a Red Wattlebird snacking on bugs:


Returning to the beach and washed up items we have some driftwood covered in Goose Barnacles:


These then became snacks for the (we think) Wedge-tailed Shearwaters:


Meanwhile the cargo ships carry on doing their thing:


Even on the gloomier days the activities continue:


Finally I came across this thing. It was about the size of a cat. It could be a Southern Brown Bandicoot (Quenda), or maybe a Brush-tailed Bettong (Woylie). I don’t think it’s a Possum and it certainly isn’t a Numbat. It didn’t hang around so I couldn’t ask it.