Our new home near Albany on the South West coast of Australia has opened our eyes to the unfamiliar. From desert to coast. Scorching sun to . . . well, more sun but there has been some rain.
The flora and fauna, in their copious amounts, are fascinating. I hope to gradually learn what they are.
Some shots below were taken from near our home.
At the moment I am in ‘tourist’ mode and am just clicking away at things that stand out.
First up, they have Galahs here too. Although now they are on a white sand beach rather than out back sandy desert:
Butterflies and flowers are in abundance. The names of both of these are currently unknown to me:
Typical roadside Kangaroo Paw flowers. Weirdly the sides of some of the roads sometimes look like flowerbeds:
Path to the beach (Goode Beach):
There are of course big bugs doing their thing:
The nearby Albany Wind Farm:
The Coast:
Creatures of the sea. Another new thing to experience:
Salmon Holes Beach famous for . . . yes, the salmon:
Finally of course, some feathered friends. Something I hope to capture more of in the future: