Opening eyes to the unfamiliar.

Our new home near Albany on the South West coast of Australia has opened our eyes to the unfamiliar. From desert to coast. Scorching sun to . . . well, more sun but there has been some rain.

The flora and fauna, in their copious amounts, are fascinating. I hope to gradually learn what they are.

Some shots below were taken from near our home.

At the moment I am in ‘tourist’ mode and am just clicking away at things that stand out.

First up, they have Galahs here too. Although now they are on a white sand beach rather than out back sandy desert:

Butterflies and flowers are in abundance. The names of both of these are currently unknown to me:

Typical roadside Kangaroo Paw flowers. Weirdly the sides of some of the roads sometimes look like flowerbeds:

Path to the beach (Goode Beach):

There are of course big bugs doing their thing:

The nearby Albany Wind Farm:

The Coast:

Creatures of the sea. Another new thing to experience:

Salmon Holes Beach famous for . . . yes, the salmon:

Finally of course, some feathered friends. Something I hope to capture more of in the future: