Quick Post: Spring?

Even though this morning was zero degrees (apparently felt like -3.7), it appears that spring might be arriving. A few brave and eager plant buds have emerged and in turn, the bugs are out. Rather than trying macro shots I decided hoisting out the 70- 200mm lens on these little critters.

The first a classic shot of a bee in a flower. I call ‘Beeing’. I believe it is a native Australian bee . . . but I have been know to be wrong.

The other shot is called ‘Searching’. We call these wasps ‘Mud Wasps’ as they build their nests out of mud and saliva. The bottom photo shows one beginning to build). They are also known as ‘Mud Daubers’ and ‘Potter Wasps’. This one would be searching for bugs to sting, bugnap and then seal in it’s nest for the future baby wasps to chomp on. Charming stuff.