Random Object Challenge: Q-tips.

‘Q-tips’ or ‘Turtle’.

So that was the choice I had this time. I don’t have many turtles lying around . . . actually make that none, so the only way to go was Q-tips, or ‘cotton buds’ as I know them.

This was a rather rushed effort but it was fun doing it. For some reason I always think of cotton buds as little people . . . poor things. Because of that here is the first idea, called ‘A Real QT’ (thanks to my sister for the title.)

I think the idea came from the Quick Post uploaded on July 4th called ‘Friendly Match’ that I did recently.

The second, and as it turned out, the last idea, was the classic landscape shot:

Thanks to the handy blue felt tip pen and a bag of cotton wool for that one.

All this was done ‘thrown’ onto the dining room table. Not sure why I’m including this, but hey, why not?